Hampson, 1913; Cat. Lepid. Phalaenae Br. Mus. 13: 393 8212. Lichnoptera gulo. (Plate CCXXXV. figs. 16 ยข,17 2.) Lichnoptera gulo, Hery.-Schaff. Aussereur, Schmett. f. 529 (1850); Kirby, Cat. Lep. Het. p. 213. 3. Head and thorax sulphur-yellow; antennie dark brown with a black bar between their bases; palpi black except in front and at extremity of 2nd joint; frons black at sides; tegule black at base and with black medial band; patagia with four black spots and the shoulders with black spots; thorax with four pairs of black spots ; tibi and tarsi banded with black; abdomen black-brown, the extremity yellow, the ventral surface yellow with sublateral and ventral series of blackish spots. Fore wing sulphur-yellow irrorated with large black-brown scales especially in and below end of cell; a small black spot at base of costa and subbasal spots on costa and below the cell; antemedial line double, black, waved, indistinct and interrupted except at costa and inner margin; orbicular a small black annulus; reniform a narrow yellow lunule obscurely detined by black ; an indistinct oblique waved line from lower angle of cell to inner margin ; the terminal half of costa with alternating black and whitish spots ; postmedial line very indistinct, double, oblique, waved ; subterminal line defined on inner side by obscure dentate blackish marks; a dentate dark shade before termen; a terminal series of small black lunules defined by vellow; cilia chequered black and yellow. Hind wing semihyaline whitish tinged with brown, the inner area clothed with brown hair, the apical area and terminal area except towards tornus paler; a faint brown subter- minal line ending in a darker bar at tornus ; cilia chequered black . and white; the underside with diffused brown medial shade. Q. Abdomen yellow irrorated with black ; fore wing with rather less dark irroration, the subterminal line not defined on inner side by blackish marks; hind wing uniform pale yellow, the cilia chequered black and white at tips. Hab. Mextco, Jalapa, Coll. Rothschild; Costa Rica, Juan Vinas, Sitio (Schaus); ? Conompta (Kalbreyer), 1 3, 1 Q, Bogoti; Venezurta, Merida, Coll. Rothschild. xp. 3 50, 2 70 milli